Einzigartige Aktivitäten in Pompeji

Einzigartige Aktivitäten in Pompeji

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Erstklassig bewertete Aktivitäten

Pompeji mit einem echten Archäologen (ohne Schlange stehen)
*SCEGLIENDO questa Exp stai supportando un Tour con Archeologi SPECIALIZZATI e Guide eccezionali. ** Visiteremo le aree interessate dalle nuove scoperte. Immergiti nel passato con noi: siamo guide turistiche autorizzate e nel nostro team troverai archeologi professionisti e specializzati e dottorandi/studenti in archeologia e storia dell'arte. Dal 2015 è nato il nostro progetto Naples Grand Tour con lo scopo di favorire la conoscenza del nostro territorio. Preparati ad esplorare la città antica e le sue rovine. In tutta sicurezza partiremo dall'ingresso principale della città: Porta Marina. Con il VESUVIO in lontananza, parleremo degli ultimi momenti di POMPEI, della catastrofe e della STORIA DEGLI SCAVI. Passeremo per la BASILICA, il FORO con il mercato ed i TEMPLI principali...cammineremo per il decumano maggiore osservando da vicino e dall'interno le TERME SUBURBANE (spettacolare e recentemente aperte!) senza dimenticare di fare attenzione ai diversi simboli erotici sparsi per la città antica ed all'interno del LUPANARE! Esploreremo alcune delle più belle DOMUS aperte di recente ed in particolare le più affascinanti dove in alcune di esse i restauri sono stati eseguiti dal mio Prof. La visita continuerà tra BOTTEGHE, AFFRESCHI, MOSAICI, panetterie, TEATRI e aneddoti e storie di Abitanti e GLADIATORI. Pompei è viva. Ti aspettiamo!
Erkunde Pompeji mit Archäologen Inklusive Ticket
Bereit, zum 79 n. Chr. zurückzukehren? Nun, du bist an der richtigen Adresse! Diese Entdeckung besteht aus einem wunderbaren Spaziergang durch die antike Stadt Pompeji, die römische Stadt, die 79 n. Chr. mit vulkanischer Asche bedeckt war. *Führungen angeleitet von Archäologen, Kunsthistorikern und qualifizierten Reiseleitern, die von Emiliano, Gründer von Askos Tours, koordiniert werden, ein Reiseveranstalter, der sich auf Archäologie-Touren spezialisiert hat und alle gesetzlichen Anforderungen, Genehmigungen und Versicherungen besitzt. *2020 NEUIGKEITEN: Ab sofort hast du auch die Möglichkeit, die neue DOMUS (Häuser der Zeit) zu besuchen, die kürzlich entdeckt oder restauriert wurde und jetzt für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich ist. Meine Touren sind so organisiert, dass sie die informativsten, interaktivsten und wunderbarsten Erlebnisse aller Zeiten sind. Du wirst nicht nur Anekdoten über die Geschichte von Pompeji erfahren: Du wirst in der Hand meiner gültigsten Reiseführer sein, die dich mit ihrem Wissen und ihrer Professionalität faszinieren werden. Kinder sind herzlich willkommen bei meinen Touren. Wir sind LANGUAGE-FRIENDLY (wir bieten Dienstleistungen auf Deutsch, Italienisch, Französisch, Englisch und Spanisch an. TICKETS SIND IM PREIS INBEGRIFFEN Unser Support-Team steht DIR JEDERZEIT ZUR VERFÜGUNG, falls du Zweifel oder Fragen zu irgendetwas hast. DAS WIRST DU HABEN: • die Möglichkeit, eine wunderbare Entdeckung sowohl in einer kleinen, intimen als auch in einer PRIVATEN Gruppe zu leben • eine Tour, die für Kinder geeignet ist • leidenschaftliche Führer und Archäologen stehen dir zur Verfügung
Die Ruinen Pompejis, Pferde und Wein
Explore Pompeii's ruins highlights in 2-hour with an expert guide leading our intimate group of up to 16, wander through the well-preserved streets, unraveling the stories of ancient Roman life, and marvel at the archaeological wonders that Pompeii unveils. Then, a scenic 1-hour horseback ride awaits at the slopes of Mount Vesuvius, catering to all levels. Conclude at a charming winery for local lunch and wine tasting, surrounded by the picturesque Pompeii landscape. A seamless blend of history, nature, and gastronomy awaits – book your spot for an unforgettable day in Pompeii. ***For safety reason the horseback ride will be done before the lunch and the wine tasting*** Other things to note MAX WEIGHT 105 kgs In the period from JUNE to SEPTEMBER Due to the incredibly strong heat the horseback ride could be changed either in the morning, or after the lunch . If you're traveling with children that are below 18 y.o. please book the option of children (6-12) even if they are older than 12 in order to be eligible for a discount since they will not be drinking wine! Exclusions: - Pompeii Admission Fee - Gratuities
Pompeji mit einem echten Archäologen.
Bist du bereit für die einzigartige Erfahrung, Pompeji mit einem Archäologen zu erleben, der selbst Forschungsprojekte in der antiken Stätte durchgeführt hat? Ich bin keine Agentur wie jede andere. Die Besichtigung findet nur mit einem echten Archäologen – mit mir oder einem meiner Kollegen – statt. Wir besuchen das antike Pompeji, eine 66 ha große römische Stadt, die durch den Ausbruch des Vesuvs im Jahr 79 n. Chr. begraben wurde. Die Stadt ist ein einzigartiges Beispiel, um die Gewohnheiten und Aspekte des Alltags der Römer zu entdecken und zu verstehen. Die größeren und berühmtesten Gebäude sowie die neuesten Entdeckungen machen den Besuch zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis. Die Besichtigung beinhaltet: ein Haus mit seinen Dekorationen, Geschäfte, Thermalbäder, Theater, das Forum und die Gipsabdrücke der Verstorbenen. Diese Tour ist geeignet für Familien mit Kindern sowie für Liebhaber von Fotografie, der Landschaft von Pompeji und Archäologie. Ich biete private Touren an und zögere nicht, mich zu kontaktieren!! Der Eintritt ist im Preis nicht enthalten. Eintritt: € 19 für Erwachsene; € 2 für Europäer von 18 bis 24 Jahren; unter 18 ist der Eintritt kostenlos.
Erkunde Pompeji und Herculaneum – Tickets inklusive
This tour consists of a pleasant walk around the ancient Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, destroyed and covered in ashes by the VESUVIUS in 79 AD. During the famous eruption, Pompeii and its inhabitants were buried by tons of pumice and volcanic ashes, which preserved many things and materials in amazing conditions. The tour starts here, and after it you'll have time to grab some lunch or to stroll on the souvenirs' shops outside the ruins. Then I'll provide you with the Circumvesuviana train tickets and we will catch it in order to get to Herculaneum (20 mins trip circa) and start our walk in the ruins. Herculaneum is much smaller, but even better preserved than Pompeii. While Pompeii had been covered in four meters of ashes, an avalanche of 20-meters-thick mud had buried Herculaneum. Two-floor buildings, carbonized wooden objects, intact paintings and mosaics are still observable there. The site gives a vivid impression of the opulent lifestyle enjoyed by the wealthier citizens of the Roman Empire! Our walk ends in Herculaneum. The tour is in ENGLISH or in Italian, only for a SMALL GROUP (15 people maximum). Other things to note - The tour is in ENGLISH or in Italian - POMPEII AND HERCULANEUM TICKETS ARE INCLUDED! - CIRCUMVESUVIANA TRAIN TICKETS (one-way from Pompeii to Herculaneum) are INCLUDED. - We have PRIORITY ACCESS! - Wear comfortable shoes and bring water

Besuche die besten Weingüter vor Ort und verkoste ihre Schätze

Pferde und Wein am Vesuv
Immerse yourself in this wonderful and full of surprise experience, ride along beautiful vineyards on Vesuvius while staring at the Gulf of Naples and see how the farmers take care of the vineyards, with their hard work and passion! The ride is suitable both for beginners and experts - we will be there to help you! You will receive first a small training and then you'll be guided throughout this exciting excursion. Our experience will be set in the vineyards of a famous local wine producer, after saddled the horses we’ll start to explore around and have the possibility while riding to stare at the beautiful Gulf of Naples, a stunning landscape! During this excursion we'll explain you why the different types of the field which provide us these varieties of grapes. We’ll discuss the famous wine brand of Vesuvius and then, reached the wine estate, the wine tasting will start! We’ll be happy to offer you 4 different types of wine accompanied by food bites Other things to note P.S: If you're tavelling with children that are below 18 y.o. please book the option of children (6-12) even if they are older than 12 in order to be eligible for a discount since they will not be drinking wine! If you don't find an available date feel free to contact us!
Vesuv Bio-Weinprobe & Mittagessen
We will welcome you at my place, one of the most visited winery of Vesuvio, where we will show you the organic family vineyard, wine cellar and storage cellar. "Lacryma Christi Vesuvio DOC" is our traditional wine produced only on the Vesuvius slopes, since Roman times. This vineyard is different from other producers as it is 100% organic, and the wine is produced and sold exclusively here. Get ready: you will eat a lot! We will offer you our km 0 typical products (bruschetta, casatiello bread, provolone cheese, salami and capocollo cold dry meat) durum spaghetti with Piennolo Vesuvian tomatoes and basil, wood fired baked bread served with our own Extra Virgin Oil of Olive and Vinegar condiment of Lacryma Christi. These will all be paired with our Spumante Rosè and four Lacryma Christi wines. To conclude, Passito dessert wine will be served with the typical Neapolitan Pastiera pie (ricotta cheese, grain, candid fruits). In the end free time to walk around the vineyard and take pictures. If you are true wine enthusiast take a look at the other experience we offer "Vesuvius SUPERIOR Wine Tasting & Lunch". Please let us know if you have any allergies or particular request. Free roundtrip shuttle service from Torre Annunziata OPLONTI Station (Naples-Sorrento train line). All the info are provided on booking.
Pompeji mit Weinverkostung & Mittagessen
Immerse yourself in the wonders of Southern Italy with "Pompeii Unveiled: Ruins & Vineyards." Join our intimate group for a 2-hour guided tour through the captivating Ruins of Pompeii. Let the past come alive as our knowledgeable guide unravels the highlights of this ancient city. Step into history with a small group of up to 16 people, exploring the well-preserved streets, houses, and public spaces of Pompeii. Discover the secrets of this archaeological marvel and relive the stories of daily life, tragedy, and triumph in the heart of ancient Rome. After the ruins, we'll whisk you away to a local winery nestled in the Campania countryside. Enjoy a delightful local lunch paired with the winery's own crafted wines. The charming ambiance and warm hospitality make for a perfect setting to relax and savor the essence of the Campania region in every sip. The food pairing menu will have : -Pasta allo scarpariello -Cold Cuts of Meat and cheese -Dessert (Seasonal) Exclusions: - Pompeii Admission Fee - Gratuities
Ruinen von Pompeji und die Weingüter am Vesuv
Enjoy history, wine, and nature in this all-in-one experience! You will start from the ancient ruins of Pompeii, where an archeological guide will take you on an exploration (2 hours) of this ancient city while painting a picture of what life was like during one of the most important empires of all time: The Roman Empire. The site of Pompeii is a true gem frozen in the year 79, which allows us to jump back in time and touch a piece of history as it was nearly 2,000 years ago. After the guided tour, it will be time for the Italian in you to come alive and embark on your tour of our favourite wineries of the area with a driver who will take care of you for the rest of the day. The wineries we'll be visiting have their vineyards growing in the National park of Mt Vesuvius, known for its fertile volcanic soil and giving us the grapes only produced here. The result is the famous Lacryma Christi (Tears of Christ), a wine most equivalent to that of which the ancient Romans enjoyed. Exclusions: - Pompeii Admission Fee - Gratuities
Weinverkostung & Mittagessen in Pompeji
Ti unirai a noi nel Tasting Pompeii Tour, un'esperienza sensoriale che prevede una passeggiata tra vigneti e rovine archeologiche. Un connubio perfetto tra Storia, Natura e Gusto. Dal 79 d.C. due millenni di Storia di un territorio! Venite ad assaporarla con il TastingPompeiiTour: tra vigne e resti archeologici assaggerete i vini e la gustosa cucina della nostra azienda. Altre cose da tenere a mente Porta la tua macchina fotografica, al resto pensiamo noi. A volte potrei non essere io ad effettuare i tour ma i miei co-hosts.

Aktivitäten in der Nähe von beliebten Attraktionen

CircumvesuvianaVon 369 Einheimischen empfohlen
Archäologischer Park von PompejiVon 352 Einheimischen empfohlen
Centro Commerciale La CartieraVon 132 Einheimischen empfohlen
Archäologische Stätte von PompejiVon 128 Einheimischen empfohlen
Wallfahrtskirche Unserer Lieben Frau vom RosenkranzVon 64 Einheimischen empfohlen
Pompei RuinsVon 47 Einheimischen empfohlen

Alle Aktivitäten in der Nähe von Pompeji

Pompeji mit einem echten Archäologen (ohne Schlange stehen)
*SCEGLIENDO questa Exp stai supportando un Tour con Archeologi SPECIALIZZATI e Guide eccezionali. ** Visiteremo le aree interessate dalle nuove scoperte. Immergiti nel passato con noi: siamo guide turistiche autorizzate e nel nostro team troverai archeologi professionisti e specializzati e dottorandi/studenti in archeologia e storia dell'arte. Dal 2015 è nato il nostro progetto Naples Grand Tour con lo scopo di favorire la conoscenza del nostro territorio. Preparati ad esplorare la città antica e le sue rovine. In tutta sicurezza partiremo dall'ingresso principale della città: Porta Marina. Con il VESUVIO in lontananza, parleremo degli ultimi momenti di POMPEI, della catastrofe e della STORIA DEGLI SCAVI. Passeremo per la BASILICA, il FORO con il mercato ed i TEMPLI principali...cammineremo per il decumano maggiore osservando da vicino e dall'interno le TERME SUBURBANE (spettacolare e recentemente aperte!) senza dimenticare di fare attenzione ai diversi simboli erotici sparsi per la città antica ed all'interno del LUPANARE! Esploreremo alcune delle più belle DOMUS aperte di recente ed in particolare le più affascinanti dove in alcune di esse i restauri sono stati eseguiti dal mio Prof. La visita continuerà tra BOTTEGHE, AFFRESCHI, MOSAICI, panetterie, TEATRI e aneddoti e storie di Abitanti e GLADIATORI. Pompei è viva. Ti aspettiamo!
Erkunde Pompeji mit Archäologen Inklusive Ticket
Bereit, zum 79 n. Chr. zurückzukehren? Nun, du bist an der richtigen Adresse! Diese Entdeckung besteht aus einem wunderbaren Spaziergang durch die antike Stadt Pompeji, die römische Stadt, die 79 n. Chr. mit vulkanischer Asche bedeckt war. *Führungen angeleitet von Archäologen, Kunsthistorikern und qualifizierten Reiseleitern, die von Emiliano, Gründer von Askos Tours, koordiniert werden, ein Reiseveranstalter, der sich auf Archäologie-Touren spezialisiert hat und alle gesetzlichen Anforderungen, Genehmigungen und Versicherungen besitzt. *2020 NEUIGKEITEN: Ab sofort hast du auch die Möglichkeit, die neue DOMUS (Häuser der Zeit) zu besuchen, die kürzlich entdeckt oder restauriert wurde und jetzt für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich ist. Meine Touren sind so organisiert, dass sie die informativsten, interaktivsten und wunderbarsten Erlebnisse aller Zeiten sind. Du wirst nicht nur Anekdoten über die Geschichte von Pompeji erfahren: Du wirst in der Hand meiner gültigsten Reiseführer sein, die dich mit ihrem Wissen und ihrer Professionalität faszinieren werden. Kinder sind herzlich willkommen bei meinen Touren. Wir sind LANGUAGE-FRIENDLY (wir bieten Dienstleistungen auf Deutsch, Italienisch, Französisch, Englisch und Spanisch an. TICKETS SIND IM PREIS INBEGRIFFEN Unser Support-Team steht DIR JEDERZEIT ZUR VERFÜGUNG, falls du Zweifel oder Fragen zu irgendetwas hast. DAS WIRST DU HABEN: • die Möglichkeit, eine wunderbare Entdeckung sowohl in einer kleinen, intimen als auch in einer PRIVATEN Gruppe zu leben • eine Tour, die für Kinder geeignet ist • leidenschaftliche Führer und Archäologen stehen dir zur Verfügung
VIP-Tour in Pompeji: Ticket und Archäologe inbegriffen
QUESTO TOUR HA IL BIGLIETTO D'INGRESSO AGLI SCAVI INCLCUSO NEL PREZZO Immergiti nel passato con noi: siamo guide turistiche autorizzate e nel nostro team troverai archeologi professionisti e specializzati e dottorandi/studenti in archeologia e storia dell'arte. Dal 2015 è nato il nostro progetto Naples Grand Tour con lo scopo di favorire la conoscenza del nostro territorio. Preparati ad esplorare la città antica e le sue rovine: partiremo dall'ingresso principale della città Porta Marina SUPERIORE. Con il VESUVIO in lontananza, parleremo degli ultimi momenti di POMPEI, della catastrofe e della STORIA DEGLI SCAVI. Passeremo per la Basilica, il Foro Romano con il mercato ed i TEMPLI principali...cammineremo per il decumano maggiore osservando dall'interno le TERME SUBURBANE (spettacolari ed aperte di recente) senza dimenticare di fare attenzione ai diversi simboli erotici sparsi per la città antica ed all'interno del LUPANARE! Esploreremo poi alcune delle più belle DOMUS aperte di recente ed in particolare le più affascinanti dove in alcune di esse i restauri sono stati eseguiti dall'Università di Napoli Federico II La visita continuerà tra botteghe dell'epoca, Termopolium,. Pistrinum, Teatro Grande e Piccolo, Caserma dei Gladiatori e tanto altro! Lasciati stupire ! Pompei è viva. Ti aspettiamo!
Pompeji-Tour + Wein- & Spezialitätenverkostung am Vesuv
*Scegliendo questo tour stai supportando HOST VERI e scegli VINI UNICI Ciao a tutti! Vuoi esplorare le rovine di Pompei? Vuoi vedere la nuova area di scavi con le magnifiche Domus riportate alla luce nell'ultimo periodo? Quale modo migliore di farlo se non con un archeologo vesuviano e guida autorizzata! Senza attendere code alla biglietteria partiremo dall'ingresso principale della città: Porta Marina. Osservando il vulcano in lontananza, parleremo degli ultimi momenti di Pompei, della catastrofe e della storia degli scavi, visitando le botteghe, il Foro, le Case e le strade. Alla fine della visita guidata tra le rovine di Pompei, un nostro van ti aspetterà all'uscita degli scavi e ti porterà in un luogo d'altri tempi: un vigneto ai piedi del Vesuvio! In questo azienda potrai scoprire le tecniche di viticoltura adottate da generazioni di maestri del vino ed apprezzerai le proprietà di uno dei vini più antichi del Mediterraneo: il Lacryma Christi del Vesuvio. La coltivazione è innovazione tecnologica senza tralasciare la tradizione. Alla fine della visita in vigna potrai rilassarti bevendo dei formidabili vini che hanno vinto premi internazionali gustando un menù km0 scelto dallo Chef! Ti aspettiamo! - Biglietto NON è INCLUSO - SKIP THE LINE per l'acquisto in biglietteria Questa exp ha dei formidabili co-host tutti archeologi/guide
Die Ruinen Pompejis, Pferde und Wein
Explore Pompeii's ruins highlights in 2-hour with an expert guide leading our intimate group of up to 16, wander through the well-preserved streets, unraveling the stories of ancient Roman life, and marvel at the archaeological wonders that Pompeii unveils. Then, a scenic 1-hour horseback ride awaits at the slopes of Mount Vesuvius, catering to all levels. Conclude at a charming winery for local lunch and wine tasting, surrounded by the picturesque Pompeii landscape. A seamless blend of history, nature, and gastronomy awaits – book your spot for an unforgettable day in Pompeii. ***For safety reason the horseback ride will be done before the lunch and the wine tasting*** Other things to note MAX WEIGHT 105 kgs In the period from JUNE to SEPTEMBER Due to the incredibly strong heat the horseback ride could be changed either in the morning, or after the lunch . If you're traveling with children that are below 18 y.o. please book the option of children (6-12) even if they are older than 12 in order to be eligible for a discount since they will not be drinking wine! Exclusions: - Pompeii Admission Fee - Gratuities
Vesuv Bio-Weinprobe & Mittagessen
We will welcome you at my place, one of the most visited winery of Vesuvio, where we will show you the organic family vineyard, wine cellar and storage cellar. "Lacryma Christi Vesuvio DOC" is our traditional wine produced only on the Vesuvius slopes, since Roman times. This vineyard is different from other producers as it is 100% organic, and the wine is produced and sold exclusively here. Get ready: you will eat a lot! We will offer you our km 0 typical products (bruschetta, casatiello bread, provolone cheese, salami and capocollo cold dry meat) durum spaghetti with Piennolo Vesuvian tomatoes and basil, wood fired baked bread served with our own Extra Virgin Oil of Olive and Vinegar condiment of Lacryma Christi. These will all be paired with our Spumante Rosè and four Lacryma Christi wines. To conclude, Passito dessert wine will be served with the typical Neapolitan Pastiera pie (ricotta cheese, grain, candid fruits). In the end free time to walk around the vineyard and take pictures. If you are true wine enthusiast take a look at the other experience we offer "Vesuvius SUPERIOR Wine Tasting & Lunch". Please let us know if you have any allergies or particular request. Free roundtrip shuttle service from Torre Annunziata OPLONTI Station (Naples-Sorrento train line). All the info are provided on booking.
Pompeji mit einem echten Archäologen.
Bist du bereit für die einzigartige Erfahrung, Pompeji mit einem Archäologen zu erleben, der selbst Forschungsprojekte in der antiken Stätte durchgeführt hat? Ich bin keine Agentur wie jede andere. Die Besichtigung findet nur mit einem echten Archäologen – mit mir oder einem meiner Kollegen – statt. Wir besuchen das antike Pompeji, eine 66 ha große römische Stadt, die durch den Ausbruch des Vesuvs im Jahr 79 n. Chr. begraben wurde. Die Stadt ist ein einzigartiges Beispiel, um die Gewohnheiten und Aspekte des Alltags der Römer zu entdecken und zu verstehen. Die größeren und berühmtesten Gebäude sowie die neuesten Entdeckungen machen den Besuch zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis. Die Besichtigung beinhaltet: ein Haus mit seinen Dekorationen, Geschäfte, Thermalbäder, Theater, das Forum und die Gipsabdrücke der Verstorbenen. Diese Tour ist geeignet für Familien mit Kindern sowie für Liebhaber von Fotografie, der Landschaft von Pompeji und Archäologie. Ich biete private Touren an und zögere nicht, mich zu kontaktieren!! Der Eintritt ist im Preis nicht enthalten. Eintritt: € 19 für Erwachsene; € 2 für Europäer von 18 bis 24 Jahren; unter 18 ist der Eintritt kostenlos.
Erkunde Pompeji und Herculaneum – Tickets inklusive
This tour consists of a pleasant walk around the ancient Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, destroyed and covered in ashes by the VESUVIUS in 79 AD. During the famous eruption, Pompeii and its inhabitants were buried by tons of pumice and volcanic ashes, which preserved many things and materials in amazing conditions. The tour starts here, and after it you'll have time to grab some lunch or to stroll on the souvenirs' shops outside the ruins. Then I'll provide you with the Circumvesuviana train tickets and we will catch it in order to get to Herculaneum (20 mins trip circa) and start our walk in the ruins. Herculaneum is much smaller, but even better preserved than Pompeii. While Pompeii had been covered in four meters of ashes, an avalanche of 20-meters-thick mud had buried Herculaneum. Two-floor buildings, carbonized wooden objects, intact paintings and mosaics are still observable there. The site gives a vivid impression of the opulent lifestyle enjoyed by the wealthier citizens of the Roman Empire! Our walk ends in Herculaneum. The tour is in ENGLISH or in Italian, only for a SMALL GROUP (15 people maximum). Other things to note - The tour is in ENGLISH or in Italian - POMPEII AND HERCULANEUM TICKETS ARE INCLUDED! - CIRCUMVESUVIANA TRAIN TICKETS (one-way from Pompeii to Herculaneum) are INCLUDED. - We have PRIORITY ACCESS! - Wear comfortable shoes and bring water
Mit einem Pferd auf den Vesuv
Our tour is following the local laws,the only one with an horse path legally approved by the National Park of Vesuvius and fully covered by insurance, it will take place inside a Vineyard in the National park of Vesuvius(500 mts above sea level) however it will not go up to the crater since it's illegal "The ride is suitable both for beginners and experts - we will be there to help you! You will receive a small training and you'll be guided throughout this exciting excursion. " Our experience will start with a quick training before getting on the horse, to make everyone comfortable and understand how the horse behave and how we can get relaxed on them. Finally the real fun will begin by exploring the vineyards we will be able to cover some panoramic spots where we'll be able to look over Sorrento Coast and Capri Island. The ride lasts usually about 1 hour Other things to note We require at least two passengers Is your first time riding a horse?No worries at all,I'll be really happy to introduce you in this magic and amazing world! If you don't find an available date feel free to contact us!
Pompeji für Kinder
We'll do a kids tour of two hours.During our tour children and parents will jump in the past walking trough the Pompeii of two thousand years ago.At the beginning of the tour children will riceive a questionnaire and some pencils.Partecipating actively in the tour,children will able with the help of the guide and parents to answer to all the questions.Parents prepare yourself because right now I tell you that children will answer 10 out of 10 questions! At the end of the tour children will have realised how Romans lived more the two thousand years ago. They will have discovered what the inhabitants of Pompeii did,what they ate,where they spent their days and so on. they will have enjoyed a magical place without getting bored!At the end of the tour,with the Mount Vesuvius in background and a few steps from the IMPRESSIVE plaster cast, for their great job children will be rewarded with souvenirs that will remind them of Pompeii forever.It's hard not to imagine the wonder and happiness on their faces.You have have just to come to believe it! What are you waiting for? Take your children to live an unforgettable experience! Other things to note In the cost per person of the experience are not included the entrance fees.They are €16pp.Children under than 18 are free.if you come in the summer time don't forget a hat for children.
Segeln an der Küste von Sorrent
Rilassarsi una giornata in barca, ascoltare la melodia del vento, ammirare le meraviglie del golfo e la costiera sorrentina dal mare è favoloso; nuotare all'interno delle grotte in una baia accessibile solo dal mare... assaporare prodotti freschi e frutta di stagione cullati dalle onde... è stupendo. Un'esperienza differente dalle altre, che NON si limita ad una breve navigazione trascorrendo la giornata ancorati, ma vive davvero il mare, dove gli ospiti sono protagonisti della vela. Lontano dagli sterioripi turistici di massa. Ed anche in autunno, con il clima mite di queste latitudini, puoi trascorrere una piacevole giornata rilassandoti in barca a vela. Il tutto nel pieno rispetto della natura, con un impatto ambientale pari quasi a zero, sfruttando quasi completamente l'energia del vento.
Pompeji mit Weinverkostung & Mittagessen
Immerse yourself in the wonders of Southern Italy with "Pompeii Unveiled: Ruins & Vineyards." Join our intimate group for a 2-hour guided tour through the captivating Ruins of Pompeii. Let the past come alive as our knowledgeable guide unravels the highlights of this ancient city. Step into history with a small group of up to 16 people, exploring the well-preserved streets, houses, and public spaces of Pompeii. Discover the secrets of this archaeological marvel and relive the stories of daily life, tragedy, and triumph in the heart of ancient Rome. After the ruins, we'll whisk you away to a local winery nestled in the Campania countryside. Enjoy a delightful local lunch paired with the winery's own crafted wines. The charming ambiance and warm hospitality make for a perfect setting to relax and savor the essence of the Campania region in every sip. The food pairing menu will have : -Pasta allo scarpariello -Cold Cuts of Meat and cheese -Dessert (Seasonal) Exclusions: - Pompeii Admission Fee - Gratuities
Erkunde mit Archäologen:innen Pompeji – Ticket inklusive
Prêt à revenir en 79 après JC? Eh bien, vous êtes au bon endroit! Cette expérience consiste en une merveilleuse promenade dans le temps autour de la ville antique de Pompéi, la ville romaine qui était couverte de cendres volcaniques en 79 après JC. * Visites guidées par des archéologues qualifiés, des historiens de l'art et des guides touristiques coordonnés par Emiliano, fondateur d'Askos Tours: un voyagiste spécialisé dans les visites archéologiques, en possession de toutes les exigences légales, autorisations et assurances. BILLETS D'ENTREE INCLUS DANS LE PRIX *A partir de 2020, vous aurez également la possibilité de visiter les nouveaux DOMUS, récemment découvert ou restauré et maintenant ouvert au public. Mes visites sont conçues pour être les expériences les plus informatives, interactives et merveilleuses de tous les temps. Vous n'apprendrez pas seulement des anecdotes sur l'histoire de Pompéi: vous serez entre les mains de mes guides les plus valables, qui vous fascineront par leurs connaissances et leur professionnalisme. Les enfants sont les bienvenus! CE QUE VOUS AUREZ: • l'opportunité de vivre une expérience merveilleuse à la fois en petit groupe intime et en privé • une visite adaptée aux enfants • guides et archéologues passionnés à votre disposition Autres remarques • PETIT GROUPE - nous assurons à nos clients la plus grande attention et le plus grand soin
Secret Pompeii - Small Group Experience
Enjoy a guided tour of the ancient Pompeii, the incredible Roman City buried by the eruption of Mt Vesuvius in 79 A.D.! During the walking tour we will discover together the history and the architecture of this marvellous archaeological area but most importantly you will learn all you need to know about the life of the inhabitants of this impressive ancient city. We will enter the houses, the public buildings, the shops and walk along the roads people used before the tragic eruption that destroyed it almost 2000 years ago! It will be like traveling through time! This tour is kids & family friendly so do not worry if you want to join with family!
Ruinen von Pompeji und die Weingüter am Vesuv
Enjoy history, wine, and nature in this all-in-one experience! You will start from the ancient ruins of Pompeii, where an archeological guide will take you on an exploration (2 hours) of this ancient city while painting a picture of what life was like during one of the most important empires of all time: The Roman Empire. The site of Pompeii is a true gem frozen in the year 79, which allows us to jump back in time and touch a piece of history as it was nearly 2,000 years ago. After the guided tour, it will be time for the Italian in you to come alive and embark on your tour of our favourite wineries of the area with a driver who will take care of you for the rest of the day. The wineries we'll be visiting have their vineyards growing in the National park of Mt Vesuvius, known for its fertile volcanic soil and giving us the grapes only produced here. The result is the famous Lacryma Christi (Tears of Christ), a wine most equivalent to that of which the ancient Romans enjoyed. Exclusions: - Pompeii Admission Fee - Gratuities