Einzigartige Aktivitäten in Mallorca

Einzigartige Aktivitäten in Mallorca

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Erstklassig bewertete Aktivitäten

Kreuzfahrt auf einem mallorquinischen llaüt
Bienvenidos al Llaüt San Francisco, barco tradicional de madera, construido en el año 1954 en la isla de Mallorca. Pónganse cómodos y disfrutemos de una experiencia única y especial, llena de encanto y tradición! En todas las salidas ofrecemos una degustación de productos exclusivos de nuestra tierra. La capacidad máxima de la experiencia es de 7 personas. Otros aspectos destacables Si la previsión no es la adecuada, nos pondremos en contacto con los clientes.
Tagesausflug zu den berühmtesten Stränden Mallorcas
In this experience you will know why the Mallorca´s beaches are one of the best of Europe and the World. You will be transported by van to visit 3 of the most famous beaches of the Island. Caló des Moros, Cala S´Almunia and Cala Llombards. You can swim in their crystal clear waters, snorkel (masks will be provided), play paddle or volley on the beach, or just sunbathe and see with your own eyes why they are the most famous. The group is only 4 people, so you will make new friends to share this and other experiences with. We have 2 meeting points. it will always be easy to find each other. ***PLEASE, SEE THE REVIEWS! ITS OUR BEST DESCRIPTIONS*** ***I also offer other tours and excursions. Contact me and you will see why all our reviews are 5 stars.***
Genieße eine Bootsfahrt wie die Einheimischen
Our experience is about enjoying a Majorcan lifestyle experience, it means, a day at sea in the same way we (locals) do. We want you to feel like enjoying with friends in a boat. Also We want you to enjoy a paradisiacal place, so, thanks to our rapid boat we are able to get you to these beautiful spots. These places are not easy to reach them by foot or by car, by a rapid boat is almost the unique option. We will part from the little CN Cala Gamba located in the middle of Palma Bay. We head south to find one of the most beautiful coasts of the island. We'll enjoy while swimming in crystal waters, sunbathing, snorkeling, taking the paddle, having a drink or tasting mallorquinian brunch/tapas. Remind that Majorcan lifestyle, also means an ice full fridge is waiting for you!!! Our boat is also yours!!! An unforgettable boat experience for families, friends, couples or anyone who wants to meet new people. We think that LIFE is about experiences, here you have the chance to enjoy an unforgettable one! Let us to guide you and explain a little bit more of Mallorca from the sea... You will love it. Keep it simple!!! Grab your towel and come with us!!! You do not have to prepare anything, We do everything for you!!! After three years enjoying this experience, people ask for extending the experience, and We did it!!! See you soon Biel and Guillermo
Mallorca: Kajakfahren, Schnorcheln & Pizza
We will start our kayaking experience from the picturesque harbor of Port des Canonge surrounded by little boat houses. If you are beginner, I will teach you the essential skills of kayaking so you feel confident throughout the experience. We will kayak by beautiful natural beaches surrounded by mountains and forest and we will discover a hidden beach unknown to many. We will discover the Point of the Eagle, a beautiful rock formation, and other hidden corners of Unesco protected Serra de Tramuntana. We will stop in the hidden beach where you will have time to relax and enjoy snacks I will provide. You will also have a chance to snorkel to explore the area and feed fishes. We will then return back to the harbor enjoying the views and I will invite you to my home to eat my famous homemade pizzas. Other things to note If you don't have a car, please contact me. Suitable for all levels as the experience will be adapted to your level! I'm also happy to provide you tips on what to do after the experience!
Llaut in Palma auf Mallorca
Bienvenidos al "Ona brava", un barco que antaño era de pesca y ahora está preparado para poder disfrutar de su amplitud y estabilidad. Durante la salida del puerto de Palma, viendo la catedral y el castell de Bellver desde el mar. Camino a la mejor cala de la zona para poder disfrutar de darse un baño, hacer snorkel, disfrutar del paddle sup. Como almuerzo, ofrecemos a bordo snacks típicos de Mallorca (Si hay vegetarianos o alérgicos, por favor, comunícanoslo) Otros aspectos destacables SI QUIEREN PUEDEN TRAER SU PROPIA BEBIDA Y COMIDA.

Segle mit erfahrenen Profis vor Mallorca

Entdecke Formentera mit einem wunderschönen Katamaran
Wir treffen uns um 11:00 Uhr im Süden von Ibiza, um vom besten Ort nach Formentera zu segeln. Nach 1,5 Stunden Segeln werden wir in Espalmador ankern und mit dem Boot fahren, um einen Spaziergang an diesem erstaunlichen Strand zu machen. Nach etwa einer Stunde im Paradies segeln wir nach Illetes (15 Minuten Segeln). Illetes ist der berühmteste Strand von Formentera. Einige sagen, dass es der siebtbeste Strand der Welt ist. Wir werden dort ankern und um 15:30/16:00 Uhr in eines der Strandrestaurants gehen. Restaurants kosten rund 60-90€/Pers. Wir empfehlen dir, dein Mittagessen mitzubringen und auf dem Boot zu essen. Du kannst den Kühlschrank, das Geschirr, die Gläser usw. des Bootes nutzen. Nach dem Essen segeln wir in den Norden von Formentera (Punta Alta) und nach dem letzten Bad des Tages segeln wir um 19:00 Uhr zurück nach Ibiza, um dorthin zu gelangen. Wir haben Paddelsurf- und Schnorchelausrüstung an Bord, damit du sie kostenlos verwenden kannst. Essen oder Trinken ist nicht inbegriffen, aber du kannst sie mitbringen und den Gefrierschrank des Bootes benutzen, um sie kalt zu halten. Wenn du das gesamte Boot (10 Personen) buchst, können wir überall hinfahren, wo du willst. Das Boot ist für bis zu 12 Personen plus der Skipper und es ist nicht möglich, mehr zu sein. Je nach Wetterlage können wir den Treffpunkt und die Route ändern. Bis dann auf Ibiza! PD: Dieses Erlebnis ist kein „Ibiza-Partyerlebnis“, wir werden versuchen, uns zu entspannen und Segeln und Natur zu genießen! ;-)
Erkunde die Nordküste Mallorcas
Ab Cala San Vicente oder vom Hafen von Pollensa werden wir die Nordküste Mallorcas besuchen und versteckte Ecken, abgeschiedene Strände und vieles mehr entdecken. In der Zwischenzeit werden wir verschiedene Stopps machen, um in kristallklarem Wasser zu schwimmen, uns in der Sonne zu entspannen oder die üppige Tierwelt der Gegend zu sehen. Weitere Highlights Es gibt zwei wöchentliche Touren, die maximal 8 Personen haben. Die Touren dauern 3,5 Stunden
Schnorchel-Entdeckung mit dem Katamaran
We will cross the Coast of the Island in search of a beach, we will take a bath in its crystalline waters and we will begin to enjoy and relax. You will have several options to start your experience; half days, full days, romantic sunsets, departures of more than one day. The Mediterranean awaits you! Other things to note If it rains or by sea state we do not opt ​​for alterations in the time of departure and arrival. The experience may also be shorter or may have to be suspended for the safety of passengers.
Segeln Sie in einem echten "Llaut Ibicenco"
Der Ausgangspunkt ist "Cala Portinatx" im Norden der Insel Ibiza. Wir werden durch die Buchten der Gegend segeln, von denen einige von ihnen von Land aus schwer zu erreichen sind. Sobald wir dort angekommen sind, werden wir die Ruhe genießen, die der Ort bietet, Schwimmen in kristallklarem Wasser und Schnorcheln. All das, genieße den Komfort, den das Boot bietet, wo du Matten zum Sonnenbaden und natürlich einen schattigen Bereich hast. Die Tour dauert insgesamt 4,5 Stunden.
Segle an Bord einer luxuriösen Segeljacht, mit Tapas
Leave the hustle and bustle of the highstreets and crowded beaches behind and come aboard our beloved 50ft sailing yacht. I will show you the stunning coastline Mallorca while you enjoy your favourite beverage and local tapas. After about an hours sail we will anchor up at a bay with pristine water that apeares to come straight out of a travel magazine. We have snorkeling and stand up paddle equipment for you to use. On the trip I can show you the basics of sailing if you are If you tend to get seasick easily I recommend taking a biodramina one hour before we set off. You will leave having had an unforgettable day with a deeper connection to sailing and our blue planet. So bring your sunnies, swimsuit & camera and get ready for a great day out on the water. For private groups with special desires or plans we can always find the right day out for you. Text me to plan your ideal day out.

Die beliebtesten Entdeckungen in Mallorca

Insel-Segelabenteuer am Mittag oder in der Abenddämmerung
A dazzling sailing experience Open (shared) or Private Midday or Sunset Cruise several miles offshore and heave to, lower the swim platform and take a long leisurely swim while drinks and snacks on board are prepared. You will anchor in a bay full of Mallorcan magnificence. Take a dive in the turqouise waters or go exploring with our stand up paddle. If you take the latest time slot you will be able the admire the most gorgeous sunset. Take your time, unwind. Premium wines and beers, fresh local produce, personal service, total privacy. The perfect way to spend time with your friends and family. Wonderful memories. Sailing out of Marina Palma and cruising along the seafront of Mallorca, you will enjoy the privileged view of this beautiful island from the tranquility of our sailing yacht. We will point out landmarks and answer questions. If all that sounds a little too strenuous, just sit back, relax, let the sea breeze work its magic and have a little siesta.
Disfruta de cuevas acuáticas únicas en Mallorca
Disfrutareis de la Mallorca subterránea en cuevas acuáticas -en la zona de Manacor-, donde experimentaremos la sensación única de visitar lugares escondidos y en grupos reducidos, nadaremos en aguas cristalinas rodeados de formaciones jurásicas y además aprenderéis muchos de los secretos de la espeleología. Una experiencia única y que siempre recordarás en tu viaje a Mallorca. **Además, tomaremos fotos y vídeos de tu experiencia y te enviaremos 3 de forma gratuita (si quieres todas las fotos y vídeos de tu experiencia tendrás que abonar 10€/pers)** Os daremos una mochila con vuestro Traje de neopreno, zapatillas para la cueva, casco e iluminación (todo lo facilitamos nosotros) , dentro podréis acomodar vuestras cosas, necesitareis: agua, toalla, traje de baño puesto, calzado cómodo para un camino con piedras, crema solar, algún snack o fruta. Una vez preparados empezamos a caminar unos 30 minutos hasta la entrada de la cueva. Recordad: entramos en un entorno delicado que tenemos que respetar y proteger, no se puede gritar, ni saltar al agua desde ninguna formación. *Mínimo 2 participantes para realizar la actividad **Consultar disponibilidad si estáis interesados en las fotos. La ubicación para las reservas en fin de semana es distinta a la indicada, muy cerca. Se enviará ubicación el día anterior a la actividad o antes si así lo solicitáis. CONSÚLTANOS por el COASTEERING !!
Ultimate Tapas & wine tour
Machen Sie sich bereit, sich in die einzigartige Atmosphäre von Palma de Mallorca und seine köstlichen Aromen zu verlieben! Machen Sie sich mit dem Lieblingsgericht der Einheimischen vertraut: Tapas & Pinchos. Ob ein kleines Gericht voller Geschmack oder ein kleiner Bissen mit einem Zahnstocher zwischendurch, um alle Leckereien zusammenzuhalten, sie alle passen wunderbar zu einem guten Wein. Eine himmlische Verbindung! Begleiten Sie Ihren Lieblings-Einheimischen auf einer schmackhaften Essenstour in Palma durch die besten Tapas der Stadt, gepaart mit den authentischsten lokalen Weinen und Getränken. Der perfekte Abend ist genau hier: 3 Gläser lokaler Wein, ein traditionelles Getränk, vier leckere Häppchen & Ihr Lieblingslokal. Was kann besser sein als das? Während Ihrer fantastischen Abendtour wird Ihnen Ihr Gastgeber erzählen, wie die Einheimischen gerne ihre Weine mit verschiedenen Geschmacksrichtungen kombinieren, um das beste Verkostungserlebnis zu erhalten, das Sie sich vorstellen können. Sie werden auch den Unterschied zwischen einer Tapa und einem Pincho kennenlernen und erfahren, welche die köstlichsten sind. Alle vier Orte, an denen Sie anhalten werden, sind Hotspots, an denen die Einheimischen ihre Abende abseits der Touristenmassen genießen. Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator (kostenlose Version) Ansonsten zu beachten Tapas und Palma de Mallorca gehen Hand in Hand, sie sind überall! Und wenn Sie das authentischste von allen probieren möchten, dann begleiten Sie Ihren Lieblingsort auf einer Tapas-Tour. Für ein Match made in Spanish heaven, werden Ihre Tapas mit den besten lokalen Weinen und Getränken gepaart!
Entdecke Mallorca an Bord eines exklusiven Katamarans
We will depart from the port of Palma aboard an exclusive catamaran and we will sail for 4 hours, being able to enjoy the sun and the landscape lying on the bow nets or sitting comfortably in the aft covered area, the maximum number is 12 passengers so you have your own personal space assured, we will anchor in a beautiful cala with crystal clear waters to swim, play on the giant floating blanket, snorkel and use the paddle board, we will also serve some Mallorcan snacks and 1 drink of choice ( soft drinks, beer, white wine, rose and cava) throughout the journey you will have water available and you can connect your own music via Bluetooth. You can buy more drinks and food on board if you wish.
Koch-Abenteuer mit Paella
Hello travellers! I want to offer you a day of nature, paella and fun! We will start the day with a walk through the small town of Banyalbufar, we will discover some hiden spots and enjoy the amazing wiews. Next stop... dad's home! (located at the outskirts of the village just 10 minutes walk) That's when the gastronomic part of the experience beggins! We will have some local snacks and get ready to start cooking "Paella". I will teach you how to start from scratch and follow every step to get the perfect one! The rest is pretty easy ...eat, relax and enjoy:) In the house we will have the company of all our animals: five chickens, a rooster, two sheeps, four cats, and the princess of the house...the little dog Cati. You can get to the place by bus from Palma (TIB company, line 202 departing at 8:50 from Palma main bus station). If you come by car i will send you some parking spots to make it easier. I hope to see you soon and share my passion for Paella!

Aktivitäten in der Nähe von beliebten Attraktionen

Kathedrale-Basilika von Santa Maria von MallorcaVon 692 Einheimischen empfohlen
Castell de BellverVon 387 Einheimischen empfohlen
Einkaufszentrum Porto PiVon 224 Einheimischen empfohlen
El Corte InglésVon 138 Einheimischen empfohlen
Plaza MayorVon 85 Einheimischen empfohlen
La RamblaVon 57 Einheimischen empfohlen

Alle Aktivitäten in der Nähe von Mallorca

Kreuzfahrt auf einem mallorquinischen llaüt
Bienvenidos al Llaüt San Francisco, barco tradicional de madera, construido en el año 1954 en la isla de Mallorca. Pónganse cómodos y disfrutemos de una experiencia única y especial, llena de encanto y tradición! En todas las salidas ofrecemos una degustación de productos exclusivos de nuestra tierra. La capacidad máxima de la experiencia es de 7 personas. Otros aspectos destacables Si la previsión no es la adecuada, nos pondremos en contacto con los clientes.
Tagesausflug zu den berühmtesten Stränden Mallorcas
In this experience you will know why the Mallorca´s beaches are one of the best of Europe and the World. You will be transported by van to visit 3 of the most famous beaches of the Island. Caló des Moros, Cala S´Almunia and Cala Llombards. You can swim in their crystal clear waters, snorkel (masks will be provided), play paddle or volley on the beach, or just sunbathe and see with your own eyes why they are the most famous. The group is only 4 people, so you will make new friends to share this and other experiences with. We have 2 meeting points. it will always be easy to find each other. ***PLEASE, SEE THE REVIEWS! ITS OUR BEST DESCRIPTIONS*** ***I also offer other tours and excursions. Contact me and you will see why all our reviews are 5 stars.***
Disfruta de cuevas acuáticas únicas en Mallorca
Disfrutareis de la Mallorca subterránea en cuevas acuáticas -en la zona de Manacor-, donde experimentaremos la sensación única de visitar lugares escondidos y en grupos reducidos, nadaremos en aguas cristalinas rodeados de formaciones jurásicas y además aprenderéis muchos de los secretos de la espeleología. Una experiencia única y que siempre recordarás en tu viaje a Mallorca. **Además, tomaremos fotos y vídeos de tu experiencia y te enviaremos 3 de forma gratuita (si quieres todas las fotos y vídeos de tu experiencia tendrás que abonar 10€/pers)** Os daremos una mochila con vuestro Traje de neopreno, zapatillas para la cueva, casco e iluminación (todo lo facilitamos nosotros) , dentro podréis acomodar vuestras cosas, necesitareis: agua, toalla, traje de baño puesto, calzado cómodo para un camino con piedras, crema solar, algún snack o fruta. Una vez preparados empezamos a caminar unos 30 minutos hasta la entrada de la cueva. Recordad: entramos en un entorno delicado que tenemos que respetar y proteger, no se puede gritar, ni saltar al agua desde ninguna formación. *Mínimo 2 participantes para realizar la actividad **Consultar disponibilidad si estáis interesados en las fotos. La ubicación para las reservas en fin de semana es distinta a la indicada, muy cerca. Se enviará ubicación el día anterior a la actividad o antes si así lo solicitáis. CONSÚLTANOS por el COASTEERING !!
Segle an Bord einer luxuriösen Segeljacht, mit Tapas
Leave the hustle and bustle of the highstreets and crowded beaches behind and come aboard our beloved 50ft sailing yacht. I will show you the stunning coastline Mallorca while you enjoy your favourite beverage and local tapas. After about an hours sail we will anchor up at a bay with pristine water that apeares to come straight out of a travel magazine. We have snorkeling and stand up paddle equipment for you to use. On the trip I can show you the basics of sailing if you are If you tend to get seasick easily I recommend taking a biodramina one hour before we set off. You will leave having had an unforgettable day with a deeper connection to sailing and our blue planet. So bring your sunnies, swimsuit & camera and get ready for a great day out on the water. For private groups with special desires or plans we can always find the right day out for you. Text me to plan your ideal day out.
Koch-Abenteuer mit Paella
Hello travellers! I want to offer you a day of nature, paella and fun! We will start the day with a walk through the small town of Banyalbufar, we will discover some hiden spots and enjoy the amazing wiews. Next stop... dad's home! (located at the outskirts of the village just 10 minutes walk) That's when the gastronomic part of the experience beggins! We will have some local snacks and get ready to start cooking "Paella". I will teach you how to start from scratch and follow every step to get the perfect one! The rest is pretty easy ...eat, relax and enjoy:) In the house we will have the company of all our animals: five chickens, a rooster, two sheeps, four cats, and the princess of the house...the little dog Cati. You can get to the place by bus from Palma (TIB company, line 202 departing at 8:50 from Palma main bus station). If you come by car i will send you some parking spots to make it easier. I hope to see you soon and share my passion for Paella!
Genieße eine Bootsfahrt wie die Einheimischen
Our experience is about enjoying a Majorcan lifestyle experience, it means, a day at sea in the same way we (locals) do. We want you to feel like enjoying with friends in a boat. Also We want you to enjoy a paradisiacal place, so, thanks to our rapid boat we are able to get you to these beautiful spots. These places are not easy to reach them by foot or by car, by a rapid boat is almost the unique option. We will part from the little CN Cala Gamba located in the middle of Palma Bay. We head south to find one of the most beautiful coasts of the island. We'll enjoy while swimming in crystal waters, sunbathing, snorkeling, taking the paddle, having a drink or tasting mallorquinian brunch/tapas. Remind that Majorcan lifestyle, also means an ice full fridge is waiting for you!!! Our boat is also yours!!! An unforgettable boat experience for families, friends, couples or anyone who wants to meet new people. We think that LIFE is about experiences, here you have the chance to enjoy an unforgettable one! Let us to guide you and explain a little bit more of Mallorca from the sea... You will love it. Keep it simple!!! Grab your towel and come with us!!! You do not have to prepare anything, We do everything for you!!! After three years enjoying this experience, people ask for extending the experience, and We did it!!! See you soon Biel and Guillermo
Ceramic workshop in beautifull natural environment
We will inmerse ourselves into a handbuilding ceramic experience with pinching and slab technique and glaze with slips. We will be inspired by nature and surrounded by the gorgeous views of the Tramuntana and its essence.
Entdecke Mallorca an Bord eines exklusiven Katamarans
We will depart from the port of Palma aboard an exclusive catamaran and we will sail for 4 hours, being able to enjoy the sun and the landscape lying on the bow nets or sitting comfortably in the aft covered area, the maximum number is 12 passengers so you have your own personal space assured, we will anchor in a beautiful cala with crystal clear waters to swim, play on the giant floating blanket, snorkel and use the paddle board, we will also serve some Mallorcan snacks and 1 drink of choice ( soft drinks, beer, white wine, rose and cava) throughout the journey you will have water available and you can connect your own music via Bluetooth. You can buy more drinks and food on board if you wish.
Küstenabenteuer – Norden
After an easy hike, we will start our multi-activity. Includes some climbing above sea level, in some parts we will swim, we will learn also the proper technique to jump, and move around the coastline. Some snorkeling in the less deep area of the Cala to finish a great activity, we will discover a nice prairie of Posidonia Oceanica, where we will find some wildlife. Also in this experience, we have the possibility to visit some sea caves if we dare it ( not necessary to dive in). If you are looking for an adrenaline rush then, you are in luck: We promise you loads of fun and activity suitable/adaptable for all levels! Send a message if there is no availability on the day that you seek. Approximately 3 hours in total Recommend seasons: All year round Participant's requirements: full swimming knowledge.
Nature Escape, Adventures on Mallorca's North coast
Enough city! It's time for nature! Mallorca is a beautiful place, a pearl in the Mediterranean, and I want you to experience the beauty that it has to offer. Join me on this one-day journey to discover my favourite spots of the island's north coast. We’ll take a refreshing dip in crystal-clear waters (even in the Mallorquin winter, if you're feeling brave!), hike along rugged cliffs and pine forests, explore sea caves and visit charming villages like Deià, where we can stop for a nice lunch. To cap off our day I’ll show you what I consider the most breathtaking viewpoint by the sea. A full day of adventures to enjoy the most beautiful places in Mallorca! What I want is you to have fun and feel like a kid again getting lost and finding that one magical spot. If you are active, love nature, making friends and getting to know the island from the inside then you will enjoy this day as much as I do! This tour is best suited for active people since we'll be covering moderate amounts of walking and a few rocky spots. Groups are limited to 8 people, so you'll have the chance to make new friends while discovering hidden gems on the island. If you prefer a more private experience, please contact me directly.
Mallorca: Kajakfahren, Schnorcheln & Pizza
We will start our kayaking experience from the picturesque harbor of Port des Canonge surrounded by little boat houses. If you are beginner, I will teach you the essential skills of kayaking so you feel confident throughout the experience. We will kayak by beautiful natural beaches surrounded by mountains and forest and we will discover a hidden beach unknown to many. We will discover the Point of the Eagle, a beautiful rock formation, and other hidden corners of Unesco protected Serra de Tramuntana. We will stop in the hidden beach where you will have time to relax and enjoy snacks I will provide. You will also have a chance to snorkel to explore the area and feed fishes. We will then return back to the harbor enjoying the views and I will invite you to my home to eat my famous homemade pizzas. Other things to note If you don't have a car, please contact me. Suitable for all levels as the experience will be adapted to your level! I'm also happy to provide you tips on what to do after the experience!
Llaut in Palma auf Mallorca
Bienvenidos al "Ona brava", un barco que antaño era de pesca y ahora está preparado para poder disfrutar de su amplitud y estabilidad. Durante la salida del puerto de Palma, viendo la catedral y el castell de Bellver desde el mar. Camino a la mejor cala de la zona para poder disfrutar de darse un baño, hacer snorkel, disfrutar del paddle sup. Como almuerzo, ofrecemos a bordo snacks típicos de Mallorca (Si hay vegetarianos o alérgicos, por favor, comunícanoslo) Otros aspectos destacables SI QUIEREN PUEDEN TRAER SU PROPIA BEBIDA Y COMIDA.
Insel-Segelabenteuer am Mittag oder in der Abenddämmerung
A dazzling sailing experience Open (shared) or Private Midday or Sunset Cruise several miles offshore and heave to, lower the swim platform and take a long leisurely swim while drinks and snacks on board are prepared. You will anchor in a bay full of Mallorcan magnificence. Take a dive in the turqouise waters or go exploring with our stand up paddle. If you take the latest time slot you will be able the admire the most gorgeous sunset. Take your time, unwind. Premium wines and beers, fresh local produce, personal service, total privacy. The perfect way to spend time with your friends and family. Wonderful memories. Sailing out of Marina Palma and cruising along the seafront of Mallorca, you will enjoy the privileged view of this beautiful island from the tranquility of our sailing yacht. We will point out landmarks and answer questions. If all that sounds a little too strenuous, just sit back, relax, let the sea breeze work its magic and have a little siesta.
A Photoshoot in the beautiful Mallorca
We will have a walk around the beautiful palma (cathedral, Sa llonja ), while taking pictures and discovering it together, the purpose of this experience is to enjoy the city and the locals perspectives while having fun shooting..
Herbalism in Sierra de la Tramuntana
Welcome to the Sierra de Tramuntana. My pleasure is to take you through a walk getting to know the medicinal and edible plants that this mediterranean coast offers us. I invite you to pick up your plants of choice and finish with a nice herbal tea. All this in a wonderfull setup in the mountains. Looking forward to meet and share.