Einzigartige Aktivitäten in Lake Huron

Einzigartige Aktivitäten in Lake Huron

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Alle Aktivitäten in der Nähe von Lake Huron

Puppy Paradise - Serotonin Boost
Come to our place for a boost of serotonin; sharing our love for puppies, dogs and animals! The experience lasts about 45 minutes depending on the puppy litters we have available, prior to booking please confirm with us puppy availability. We are able to take pictures during the experience and a short video with your phone or our own device. * Puppy availability and breeds subject to change
Kajakfahren auf dem Grand River
Explore the beautiful scenery and wild life of THE GRAND RIVER with your family or friends by Kayaking. We have Kayaks available for you to Experience the Grand River. The Experience starts in the Historical Village called ' Doon Village ' where you will arrive at a Heritage Home built in the 1850's.
Bayfield Beach Workout - guest requests desired time
The full practice will take an hour. It will be primarily interval work with a cardio / muscle endurance focus. Stay for a guided beach meditation if you like. This has been a proven method to boost strength, improve heart health, and maximize metabolism (even after your workout). After meeting at the beach, we'll do a warm up and active stretch that will help prepare your body for the work. I'll then talk you through all the stations of work and physical flows we'll be engaging with, being sure to highlight proper form and functionality. Then we'll get into it. The meat of the exercise will last approximately 20-30 minutes. After, we'll focus on mobility, doing effective stretches that will help your body recover. Workouts will run between 2 and 7pm. You decide. I'll be bringing my bluetooth speaker as an option. We can either listen to the waves, my pick of 'pump you up' tunes, or you can put something on that you prefer.
Erkunde die Schiffswracks
We will show you the way to the wrecks from the shore. (you can see their location from the beach) You will paddle or row to the shipwrecks in your own sanitized boat. From the beach dock, we will help you into a boat of your own choice (kayak, pedal boat, row boat or Stand Up Paddle board). then cross the short space to the famous shipwrecks. You paddle out by your self and we watch you from shore. Then the spectacular hulk of the Sweepstakes comes into view and the wreckage of the City of Grand Rapids is close beside it. Big Tub Harbour has lots of interesting things to see. We only operate within the protected end of Big Tub Harbour. There is a strict limit to how far from the dock participants may paddle. Exceeding these limits may end your experience early. Other things to note parking is provided for one car This event may be cancelled due to weather with a full refund.
Spaziergang mit einem Alpaka
Spend some time getting to know the alpacas . .Then we will head out on a hike with these beautiful animals. When we arrive back at the barn, you are free to visit with all the other farm animals including donkeys,goats, a few friendly sheep and some pot belly pigs. Please note our exact location: You will be able to see our fire number located at the end of the laneway. We are the blue house up the laneway. We are just North of Desboro Please note if you see a sign on the roadside that says Eggs for sale then you are in the wrong spot. We are directly accross the road The walk goes rain or shine. Please dress accordingly WE MAY HAVE TO DOUBLE UP WITH THE ALPACAS DEPENDING ON THE GROUP SIZE BUT USUALLY THIS IN NOT THE CASE
Peek into the secret life of bees
If you've always wanted to look inside a hive at the mysterious life of the honeybee, this is your chance to get up close and personal with a remarkable creature. Join your guide Caeli at Raven Star Sculpture Gardens on the Bruce Peninsula. Get a lesson on apiculture, enjoy a honey tasting, then continue together to the bee yard to open the hive and explore the colony frame by frame. Spot a bee returning home with full saddle bags of pollen, glimpse the magical dance of a forager, and pay your respects to the hive's monarch, the queen bee herself. Your protective gear is provided and best practices are introduced before approaching the hive, but participants should be aware that there is always the risk of a sting, even among the gentlest of bees. Therefore this experience is not suitable for those with bee or wasp allergies.
Guided Bike Tour in Goderich and Area
We will meet at the town square, exact location (TBD), 15 minutes before start time. Starting at 10:00 am, our journey begins through the storied streets of Goderich, tracing the G2G Rail Trail for a scenic (30-km) ride with the tranquil beauty of the countryside, passing through idyllic farmlands, traversing charming bridges, and savouring the awe-inspiring vistas that unfold before us. Distance: 20-30 km of small town streets, groomed G2G Trail, paved and unpaved country roads Time: 2-3 hours (2.5 hours moving time) Availability: Goderich daytime and evening tours start 3:00pm-6:00pm Other things to note: Please dress accordingly. Bring your water bottle, snacks and let me know if you have any questions.
Schnorcheln in einem Schiffswrack
The shipwreck experience begins at Thunder Beach. We will meet and board our jet boat from the beach and set off to the shipwreck. An hour later we will arrive at the wreck of the Mapledawn A three hundred and fifty foot shipwreck located off the shores of Christian Island . Participants then will have the opportunity to snorkel this historic freighter that sunk November 30, 1924 during a gale force snowstorm. The engine and huge double boilers can be seen from the surface as well as the entire ship an awesome view. After you put on your mask and snorkel and enter the water the wreck becomes crystal clear allowing you to see, in detail, the decks. bridge. stern, winches, rudder. anchors anchor eyes, I beams boilers, steam tanks and the enormous hull that has been on the bottom of the lake for a century. The wreck is submerged in 15 feet of water. After the snorkeling we will provide a delicious boat lunch. Following lunch we will explore the coast of Christian Island and return to Thunder Beach. Insta... @snorkelashipwreck Discounts applied automatically for bookings of four or more. Our trips require excellent weather conditions and small waves. We will be in contact with guests the day of the experience before 8am to confirm the experience is still going ahead as scheduled. If we cancel due to poor weather conditions the experience will be refunded in full.
Einführung in die Bienenzucht und die natürlichen Bestäuber
During this beekeeping experience you will learn about the importance of honeybees and native pollinators, beekeeping basics, and have a chance to encounter amazing behaviours of honeybees first-hand. On our inspection visit to the beehives, we will put on protective suites and come in direct contact with the bees. The honey we will taste is unheated, unpasteurized and unprocessed. It is collected by happy naturally-kept honeybees in the wild meadows of old Kinghurst Forest. Designated as an Area of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI), Kinghurst Forest is a special place that offers a rare glimpse into Ontario’s natural past. The mature hardwood old-growth forest provides the honeybees and other pollinators with a rich variety of rare native wildflower forage in May and early June. These spring ephemerals – plants that bloom briefly in spring, before the trees leaf out - are one of southern Ontario’s most beautiful displays and provide a one-of-a-kind delicately rich and vibrant flavour to the honey. We’ll end the experience tasting local cheese and honey. If weather allows, our guests are welcome to have a picnic on the grounds after. Follow iamfreija for latest updates and more photos. Please let us know if you are allergic to bees. Great for groups and as a teambuilding activity.
Ein Abenteuer mit Eseln
Welcome to our Donkey experience. When you first arrive at our farm, we will go over a few safety rules we have in place to make your experience a safe and enjoyable one. Donkeys can be given treats over the fence and once this is done we will enter the paddock where you will be able to interact with them and brush and take photos. We are also available to answer any questions you might have. We will spend some time with the donkeys and then we will visit with the pot belly pigs and our very friendly goats. Treats will also be available to feed to them. Once again you are welcome to take photos. If the alpacas and miniature horses are near by you are welcome to visit them along with feeding treats. We also have a chicken coop where children can look for eggs and collect them. . Betsy is one of our ewes and she always love when people visit and will never say no to a treat or 2 or 3. . You just never know what surprise you might find on out farm that day!
Kayaking through the Georgian Bay islands
We'll meet at the launch point and your certified kayak guide will outfit you into your sea kayak. We'll launch from Gilly's Marina at Snug Harbour. We will spend the day exploring the islands of Georgian Bay with tips from your guide to help you efficiently glide through the crystal clear waters. These pristine granite islands, covered in windswept white pines, are part of our UNESCO biosphere reserve and are truly not to be missed during a visit to Ontario. You will paddle past old lighthouses—one, we can even see up close. The water surrounding the islands is clear and warm in the summer. Imagine swimming in an inland sea of fresh sweet water. We'll stop for lunch out on a quiet island. You will have time to explore the shoreline and swim before paddling home. We will paddle approximately 12km, depending on your experience level and how far you feel like paddling.
Tiertherapie & Wanderung mit Welpen / Hunden
Welpen- und Hundeparadies in Glenelg ( 2 kleine Welpen geboren im Novemger 2021) Gönnen Sie sich eine Pause vom Winter-Blues und der ganzen Zeit drinnen! Treffen Sie unser schönes Rudel und machen Sie mit ihnen eine wunderschöne Naturwanderung! Erleben sie wunderbare Erfahrungen beim Streicheln unserer besonders freundlichen Welpen und Hunden auf unserem Bauernhof. Sehen Sie, wie wir sie erziehen, so dass sie sich ruhig und intelligent entwicken, wie sie gesund aufwachsen. Spielen Sie mit den Welpen und lernen Sie, wie man sie trainiert. Lerne die Sprache der Hunde und verstehe ihre Individualitaeten. Tiere können Sie zum Lachen bringen und Ihre Probleme vergessen machen. Unsere Babys sind natürlich sehr süß, freundlich, sozial und neugierig. Machen Sie eine wunderbare Erfahrung und lernen sie richtig mit unseren Tieren zu spielen. Sie koennen Essen mitbringen, wenn Sie möchten, und lassen Sie uns ein Familienpicknick veranstalten! (Vorschriften zum Nicht-Servieren von Speisen). Viele Menschen sind nicht mehr mit Natur und Tieren verbunden, sie verbringen den größten Teil ihres Tages mit ihren Telefonen und Computern. Dies ist Ihre Chance, eine sinnvolle Verbindung zum Leben auf dem Land herzustellen, wieder eine Beziehung zur Natur aufzubauen und diese wunderbaren Kreaturen zu entdecken. Ihre besondere Zeit, um Ihren Körper, Geist und Seele wieder aufzuladen, zu entspannen und zu revitalisieren. Treffen Sie neue Freunde, erleben Sie die Fütterung unserer Kleinen, Bildung, Aufregung und Spaß für alle! Beachten Sie folgede Dinge. Beachten Sie unsere Hinweise im Umgang mit den Welpen und Hunden zu Ihrer Sicherheit! Tragen Sie entsprechende Kleidung und Schuhwerk, (Sie koennen beim Spiel mit den Kleinen schmutzig werden). Wanderungen mit den Hunden finden grundsaetzlich nur in Begleitung unseres Personals statt! Anweisungen sind zu Ihrer Sicherheit genau zu beachten Bitte fragen Sie, ob Sie außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten kommen können. Rauchen verboten! Bitte bringen Sie keine eigenen Tiere zur Wanderung mit. Andere Tiere koennen nur nach vorherigem Sicherheitscheck von uns bei Eignung teilnehmen.
Explore the City Tour
See as much of Waterloo Region as you can in a compact, engaging and fun tour. In addition to some of the brightest and best of tech companies, the region offers a variety of eateries, trails, entertainment, and all of it within a reasonable distance. I will share with you some of the community’s most interesting hidden gems and provide a tour that will satisfy your curiosity and take you off the beaten path. Learn some of the fascinating bits of KW’s unique history, and be entertained by a tour that will provide you with both a unique and entertaining tour in one of Canada’s most vibrant and growing communities. The tour has lots of flexibility as far as dates and times. Please reach out to me to book whatever works best for you.
Tour durch das Land der Mennoniten
Meet me (your host with an old fashioned clipboard) outside of The Tri Sister's Art House in St Jacob's and we'll get going on an amazing guided tour through Waterloo Region's Mennonite Country! I want to assure you it will be interesting and I want to warn you it could go longer than 2 hours! You'll want to ask questions and take in the amazing vistas and sights along the way.
Wine and Bitcoin
Do you like wine? Do you want to learn about bitcoin? In this experience, you will learn about the history, origin, and purpose of bitcoin, as well as what it is, how it works, and the effect it is having on the world. You will receive direct personal help in setting up your own wallet and making your first transactions - all while having a glass or two of vino :) We'll enjoy snacks and beverages - Mimosas are provided on the Friday morning events and wine on all other ones - if beer is more your thing, feel free to bring it. This is a relaxed learning environment where there are no stupid questions. After introductions, we'll start by putting things into context with a brief history of money, and then move on to the basics of what bitcoin is. From there we will move on to volatility, government involvement, energy use, environmental impact, and the El Salvador legal tender situation. Next, we'll discuss the basics of how bitcoin works. The Lightning network, major exchanges, wallet types and risks will be touched upon. Finally, we will set up wallets, learn how to do transactions, and conclude with a Q&A. If you have a large group, corporate entity, small business, or would like to inquire about a weekend event to fit your schedule, or would prefer that I come to your group (within Michigan), feel free to send me a message. Follow-up classes are available on request.