Einzigartige Aktivitäten in Callao Region

Einzigartige Aktivitäten in Callao Region

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Alle Aktivitäten in der Nähe von Callao Region

Genieße das Schwimmen mit Seelöwen in Callao
9:45 Uhr Treffpunkt Calle La Mar 229 (Nakary Restaurant) vor der Haustür des Real Felipe Callao. 45 Minuten für die Hafensteuerung. Zahlung des Eintrittsrechts zum Naturschutzgebiet der Guaneras-Inseln, Erwachsene, 11 Sohlen. 10:30 Uhr Zarpe in Richtung Callao Islands. Am Anfang sahen wir die Anlegestelle von Yachten, Kriegern und Kaufleuten in Callao Bay. Auf dem Weg gingen wir durch den Boden „El Camotal“, offenes Meer. Wir gingen durch die Insel San Lorenzo, mit reichen Geschichten, die seit der präkolumbianischen Zeit entstanden sind. Wir sehen Boote in der Fischereiarbeit, verschiedene Kolonien von Guaneras Vögeln und Pinguinen von Humboldt. 11:30 Uhr Wir kamen am äußersten Punkt an, der Isla Palomino, die eine große Kolonie von Seelöwen (Seelöwen) beherbergt, wo wir in Neoprenanzügen frei zwischen ihnen schwimmen können, dank des Fehlens von Raubtieren ist es ein unvergesslicher Moment voller Emotionen. 12:35 Uhr Die Rückreise beginnt auf atemberaubende Weise durch Klippen und Inselchen. Vor deiner Ankunft am Pier wird ein Snack serviert. 13:00 Uhr komme ich am Pier an. Ende der nautischen Tour. Andere Dinge, die DU bei der BUCHUNG BEACHTEN solltest, UM VOLLSTÄNDIGE INFORMATIONEN ZU SENDEN In bar zahlst du in die 11 Soles die Naturschutz- und Schutzgebühr für die Inseln. Handy für Boarding-Infos, zweiter Tag +5195761959
Rhythmus und Aroma Musikalische Reise durch Peru
In this experience, you will get to know a variety of beautiful traditional Peruvian music and try some native Peruvian instruments. All this while enjoying Peruvian cuisine and conversation at the home of a Peruvian singer. A real Peruvian "peña", where music is made and shared among friends! I will open our home to you in the traditional district of Jesus Maria, where we'll all meet and get to know each other. And just like that, we'll start to play some favorite Peruvian songs (my favorites, anyway. There are so many!). If you wish, you'll get a chance to try out and play along with native Peruvian instruments; maybe some that you’ve never even seen before. We`l have a great time making Peruvian music; we always do. It's a musical adventure! And since adventure makes you hungry, Peruvian food and my mom’s recipe for typical Peruvian chicha will add even more flavor to our musical night. Come to the house, listen to our music, learn about its instruments and in the process learn a little about our country. Take a peek at the vast cultural melting pot that is Peru; where you decide to go from there is up to you. Please let me know if you need any more information or details! Also, If you would like to inquire about alternative times or larger groups, special dietary restrictions, or anything else; please don't hesitate to contact me.
Challacu Tour LaPunta Callao History Art Folklore Gastronomy
Comenzaremos nuestra experiencia de forma histórica con un paseo a pie, rodeados de naturaleza, en esta península llamada La Punta, que se puede recorrer en 2 horas, a la par que les tomaré fotos con mi cámara profesional para luego editarlas y obsequiárselas via correo electrónico. Luego del tour aprenderemos, en mi casa de huéspedes o al aire libre, una de las 4 danzas más típicas del Perú (puede ser La Marinera Norteña, de la Costa Norte Peruana, El Festejo, de la Costa Central, El Huayno de La Sierra o La Saya de La Sierra Sur) en una clase maestra introductoria en donde aprenderán los pasos básicos de alguna de estas danzas. Si es La Marinera habrá implementos incluidos para la danza, si es El Festejo, que es un baile mas festivo como su nombre lo dice, les enseñare a tocar lo básico del Cajon Peruano y usarlo de acompañamiento para este baile, de ser La Saya o El Huayno, además de mostrar vestuarios, vendrán con el aprendizaje de algunas palabras en Quechua, el idioma de LOS INCAS. Finalizaremos degustando algo típico de mi localidad. Si somos un grupo mediano o grande y tienen tiempo extra y desean que haga una pequeña presentación artística folclórica (canto, baile, guitarra o piano), yo encantada (opcional). Si vienen con niños mi perrita Dolly les hará trucos muy lindos. Mi experiencia tiene todo lo mejor de mi país siendo, a la vez, instructiva, dinámica y artística.
The Larco Museum Tour with transport included
The Larco Museum Considered one of the 25 best museums in the world, It is located at a magnificently adapted and restored 18th century mansion in Lima. Its awesome collection covers 5,000 years of the ancient Peruvian history, with 45,000 archaeological objects including jewelry (gold, silver, cooper and precious stones), pottery, metals, textiles, etc. Larco Museum is also famous for its gallery on pre-Columbian erotic pottery, representing fertility. A visit to this place is essential to all travelers seeking for a better understanding of Peru, its history, traditions and cultures. FREE PICK UP AREAS This is only included from: Miraflores, Barranco, San Isidro, Lima Historic Center, Rimac, Breña, Lince, Magdalena, Pueblo libre, Jesús María, Surquillo, Santiago de Surco, San Borja and La Molina.
Cook Ceviche n drink Pisco Sour at home
We decided to show our guests more than two years ago this adventure of living which means to elaborate our "Peruvian Ceviche " and "Pisco Sour " We will tour the style of Lanna&Tony our "Perfect Gastronomic Route" our guests participate or they will actively contribute to the elaboration of our Peruvian dish based on fish and shellfish. 1. We will go in our shuttle service in company of our guests directly to the fishing terminal and local Peruvian market, to buy our inputs for example (fish and yellow chili). 2. We prepare in our open kitchen with the participation of our guests the "Peruvian Ceviche " and "Pisco Sour ". 3. Time to enjoy our dishes "Peruvian Ceviche" and beverages "Pisco Sour" with Andean snacks made in company of Peruvian live music "Musica Criolla". 4. We will explain the making of "Peruvian Ceviche" and "Pisco Sour" ARE YOU READY TO DISCOVER OUR TREASURES AND RECIPES COME FAST DON'T FORGET BRING APPETITE Other things to note 1. We would like to know if you are allergic to seafood, fish and alcoholic beverages. 2. In case you are taking pills we recommend not to take them until a day before our experience
  1. Airbnb
  2. Peru
  3. Callao Region